著者: Yoshinori Kikuchi
編集: Yoshinori Kikuchi
定価: 990円+税
版型: 単行本(オンデマンドペーパーバック)
造本: 100ページ/USレターサイズ/本文カラー
ISBN-10 4906978274
*本書はエイアールディー 代表、菊池美範による新書版写真集の出版実験です
This is a collection of personal photographs that record the relationship between the town and the disappearing Complex that began to be built in the 1950s and that stood on the plateau in Akabane, Tokyo.
Public housing in Tokyo is small.
But even if it is small, there is happiness in the room.
Even if you live in that day.
Even if you are old.
Even if you have a dream but not rich.
Dreams and hopes in 45 square meters.